GV Cambodia 2018

The Family and Team in front of the new house

Having recently seen the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen’s music was fresh in my mind.  Several of my teammates had seen the film and loved it as I did.  Hearing Western pop music is common around the globe, even among people who have no idea what the lyrics mean.  Cambodians love to sing and dance so we were treated to random bouts of musical accompaniment playing from a smart phone plugged into a big speaker.  Turns out our local GV Coordinator Pak was fond of American country western music!  Then, one day, we heard Queen’s iconic mantra and energetically sang along.

“We are the champions, my friend….”

Coincidentally, the topic of a TED Radio Hour podcast I listened to during my long journey home was titled, simply “Champions.”  For an hour I listened to stories of athletes who had accomplished incredible feats – swimmers, runners, Paralympians who wouldn’t give up, whose epic achievements are forever in the record books. 

This got me thinking. 

What does it mean to be a champion?  What about everyday people?  Can we be champions in our own ways, in our own lives?  Isn’t that what Freddie Mercury was singing about?

I humbly submit to you the answer is, “Yes,” we can all be champions.  Not all of us will surpass our rivals in competition, but champions are also those who fight a cause on behalf of someone else.  Global Village volunteers are helping to combat poverty housing on behalf of those who cannot afford a decent place to live on their own.  And the families with whom we partner all over the world are doing the same by not losing hope, by persevering and defending their right to have a safe, affordable place to sleep each night.

“No time for losers.  ‘Cause we are the champions.  Of the world!”

Habitat Global Village | Siem Reap, CAMBODIA | December 1-9, 2018